Im finally making a go of my blog! Hopefully I can get the hang of it and add some pictures tomorrow! The next couple of weeks will be so busy around our circus. We have three more weeks of school and then church camp in June! We are hoping to get a referral soon for our baby girl that we want to bring into our family. We are trusting God for the perfect situation and all the finances needed to finalize this adoption.
Tomorrow we Also have Our 5 month check up for the baby. Im still trusting that 90% girl verdict that Dr W gave us last month! So, yes, this all means if the adoption comes through this summer we will have babies very close in age! We are so excited and can't wait to see how Carrson reacts to all of this! It will be interesting having 6 kids. I never thought we would be the family with all of the kids but God has had other plans!
Lastly, I hope all my mommy friends had a wonderful mothers day and to all my waiting mommies I pray it's the last one you spend waiting. And a very special happy mothers day to my momma! She's the best!