Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Where did the time go?

This beautiful sweet girl graduated High School! It still hasn't hit me that my first little chick is going to be leaving the nest. To say that I am so proud of her is an understatement. There aren't even enough words to describe how amazing she is. She has handled changing schools 3 times, being the oldest sibling, adjusting to bringing in two new kiddos , falling in love for the first time and surviving her first broken heart. She is a champion for the underdog. We had a graduation party a couple of weeks ago and we counted 92 people that came in throughout the afternoon. I looked around and it was such a vast variety of people.  From jocks to foreign exchange students, Kelcie has made her mark already. She has a heart for people and has big dreams to help people  start businesses in other countries and maybe even get a degree in psychology so that she can help missionaries and their kids transition from living between two different cultures. I am in complete awe of her.

I hope that as her mom I have taught her enough and been a good example. I look forward to this new step in her life and how our relationship will grow. Kelcie Marie you will always be my baby girl. Where ever life takes you know that your dad and I are your biggest fans and supporters. Your brothers and sisters adore you.  God has an amazing plan for you and we are so thankful that He chose us to be your parents. Now go change the world baby girl! xoxoxo

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