Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A new project...

Hope everyones Thanksgiving was wonderful and if you went shopping for Black Friday you got all that you wanted!! We were able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents in Little Rock and Kelly's mom in Cabot. We had a great time and did a little bit of shopping Thursday night at Walmart. I had Conner with me and he has sworn off ever going shopping for Black Friday again!! LOL!

I have had the amazing opportunity to meet someone that is literally working to change communities in Haiti. All of us watched the devastation after the earthquake in Haiti and Americans gave whole heartedly to that country in an effort to help them with basic needs. This family, Jason and Ginger Lovan have actually MOVED their family to Haiti and started a school. It is an AMAZING work and I know that God orchestrated our meeting several weeks ago. They are not only educating 90 students but also giving them uniforms and two meals a day. This is likely the only meals some of these children get.

Kelly and I know from experience how difficult it is to start a new ministry. You see such great need and have so many God given ideas on how to help them but lack all the necessary funding to put it all in action. It would be great if the money just "appeared" from Heaven and you didn't have to ask for help but then, the giver would miss out on a huge blessing and the opportunity to have ownership in giving hope to a community that most of the world has deemed hopeless. We all know that where there is life there is hope and I am asking you to step out and help this ministry.  They have very recently broken ground on an orphange and those of you that know me, KNOW that this is very close to my heart. I realize that this is the Christmas season but how about sowing a seed into www.kingscrossministries.com ? They have an immediate need of about $3000 so that they can get their crate out of port that has much needed supplies for their family and their school. That would just be 30 people to give $100 or 60 people to give $50. I know my family spends that on dinner in a restaurant so I will be the first to say that I will give to this ministry because I believe in what they are doing. Will you please consider giving to this ministry and reposting on your blogs, facebooks, and twitter accounts? I would love to have a small part in helping change the country of Haiti!!

Thank you all so much for always supporting us and in advance for helping this amazing family!! God Bless!!


PS Stay tuned for a pretty big adoption update coming soon!! ;) This is like the cliff hanger of a tv series for the season!! HA!

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