Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby news!!!!

So I have to say of all the pregnancies I've had (6 to be exact) this one has been the hardest!! Maybe it's because I'm 34 or that I'm chasing a toddler and running three big kids all over the place. Or it could be that it's only been a bazillion degrees every single day this summer. But it has definitely not the wonderful makes my face glow pregnancy! But I will tell you today there is an end in sight!! On September 6,( my grandma elaine's bday) Mayah Grace Ward will be making her debut! I'm so excited I can't stand it!! I will post pics ASAP!!

Soccer season is in the air! We met conners new coach tonight and we really like them. Mel is team has merged with another and we meet them Monday. Grey had practice tonight and they are all ready to go! I love that they have something that they like and are good at. The kids also have completed their first week of school. They all love it and im so glad. I'm enjoying being at home with Carrson. He likes to play and I am his playmate while the kids are at school!

So all is well at the Circus and I hope it is at yours as well!!

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